[Important]Shop system update and service change

Dear customers,

Thank you for your like and support to AOW.
We are announcing that there will be some update with our shop system. Also, some adjustment of our shop service will be applied. Please pay attention to the following contents.
1. Change of customer service time.
Your inquiry and order confirm will be response in 5-7 work days.
2. About payment methods
The private invoice will NOT be available anymore and we will NOT accept any order through the mail except some special orders. Please make your order through our shop system. Finished orders and payments will not be affected.
3. Design of shop
We will probably change some design of our shop. You can ask our customer service if you cannot find the item you would like to purchase.

If you have more question about this update, please feel free to send us inquiries.

Best regards,
Berserk, Figure, For Honor, Statue